Tuesday, November 18, 2008

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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Virtual Jobs

Work at Home
Starter Kit

Get all this
FREE…right now!

  • FREE work-at-home-jobs updates
  • FREE course of success tips
  • FREE freelance job reports
  • FREE guide to 400 paying markets

  • FREE jobs toolbar
  • FREE report: The Secrets of Freelance Success

  • FREE book: The Five Minute Freelance

Click here to sign up

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Monday, April 14, 2008

Extra Income Working At Home

Many people have the desire and dream of earning a living from home. Some just want a regular job that can be done at home as telecommuting becomes more the norm. Others desire an unlimited source of income with their own home business. While both situations are attainable, the search for such companies that do hire “work at home” agents, can be quite exhausting. I know because I spent over a year looking. Finding the right home business is the same due to many wanting an investment to start. So, what do you do?

Let me tell you, I have been self employed for years in different businesses. Then I started an internet company called Gadgitech about 7 years ago. We marketed several products and sold a few. Early 2006 we decided to get into the work at home industry. TheGadgitech.com then came about. After searching through all of the scams on the net, I started finding the companies that hire people to work at home. Good reputable companies! My son and I started to work with the top company taking inbound customer service calls at home. What a break through. I started searching intensely to find all I could. Now I have a list of over 45 companies that hire work at home agents! Now I spent a whole lot of my time searching for these work at home jobs, so I do ask for a small fee to keep it going. A whopping $9.97 to download the list. Some people choose to pass on my fee and keep searching, while others want to start earning money at home and get my list to save time.

For home based businesses, I show people the top programs which you can start with no investment other than your time. I have one that all I do is pass out a business card with a toll free number and a website address for a product they already want. They get the product and installation for free and I get $125 commission check! Not bad for ten minutes of work huh? Who wants to make money from home? Check out this awesome free home business here. I will even help you market and promote your business for free. Nothing to loose and everything to gain. Start making money at home today!

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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Top Affiliate Program of the Day

This is by far the best affiliate program of the day!

Just today I was offered this amazing product. I have been looking at this for some time and now it's available for free! Shawn Casey is one of the top internet guru's today. When he gives away info like this, I listen and pass it on. Great info in there for free!

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Monday, March 3, 2008

Home Based Business - Free to Join

Work at home with your own business! Free to join!

Whether you are an experienced telecom salesperson or you are looking for the part-time second income, Commission River is the perfect opportunity for you. All you need to begin is a computer with Internet access. This opportunity is open to anyone and it works from any country in the world. With no investment required and a lot of free stuff that comes with it, we hope you will find it valuable.

About Commission River

Commission River, formerly Cognigen Networks, is an investor-owned, publicly traded company. We are an Internet-enabled sales community that facilitates the introduction of customers to suppliers. While some think it impossible to be all things to all people, Commission River has become the low-cost provider to customers, the high-tech deliverer of services for vendors, and the user-friendly facilitator for agents.

What is affiliate marketing?

A merchant, also known as an advertiser or retailer, is a web site or company that sells a product or service online, accepts payments and fulfills orders.

Affiliates (also called publishers) place merchants' ads, text links, or product links on their web sites, shopping engines, blogs, etc. or include them in e-mail campaigns and search listings in exchange for commissions on leads or sales.


Affiliates and merchants choose Commission River because of our reliable and accurate tracking technology and unpresidented online marketing tools developed by the pioneers in the industry...

Get $50 for giving away this cellphone!

Get $75 for giving away this satellite system!

More at TheGadgitech

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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Working at home as a virtual call center agent, has been a wonderful experience for me.I take inbound customer service calls for various major companies and handle customer service for them. The job is easy for me, as I have been a business owner for years. Not to say it's not easy for others because during training, there were people that barely new how to use the net much less handle multiple screens. However, they did just fine. The training for most online jobs is very intense. They walk you through each and every aspect of handling customers and the computer screens with ease.

I also build websites that generate extra income for me. About $400 a month now, just writing articles and posting to my blogs for traffic. I monetize my websites with Adsense which brings in about $200 a month now. It took a while to learn all the tips and tricks, but now I can keep em going with as little as 30 minutes a day. As I build more websites, it increases my income. Each makes about $200 a month, so if I have 10, I have a good income.

You too can have an automated income like me. It's not as hard as it sounds, once you learn all the tricks. Find out more at TheGadgitech.com

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Thursday, February 14, 2008

Work at Home Dad's?

We hear a lot about work at home moms. But what about the men out there that want the same? Fathers who would like more time with the family and kids to help with up-bringing and share the special moments. My name is Mike and I am the co-owner of TheGadgitech. I am also a work at home dad. I started out like most, searching the net for a real work at home job. I didn’t want to do surveys for pennies, or biz ops that required a large investment. Just a regular ole job with a good company that would let me work at home.

Now mind you, I am very internet savvy. I have been into computers since before hard drives, or Windows! Wow, now I’m feeling a bit older. But I am telling you this because it took me about 2 months to start finding real, legit companies to work for. That was spending about 10 hours a day sifting through the crud that might be legit. As I found the really good ones that were real companies outsourcing jobs like call center work, I got excited! When I got my first check, I pranced around with it like a new prize.

I have since worked with four companies that hired me to work at home. I have done inbound customer service call center work. Taking calls for big companies, and handling questions, order placements and such. I worked as a technical support agent for a satellite provider. (that one paid $14 per hour!) I worked with yet another company that handled customer satisfaction for newspapers. I called new customers to see if their paper was delivered properly. Very easy job, paid $8 per hour, and I didn’t even need high speed internet service.

Most of the companies allow a very flexible schedule, which is what I think most of us are looking for. Having said all of this, I wanted people to know how far I go to check out different companies. I don’t just pick a bunch of fly by night sites that promise riches with a click of a button, tried those as well. Pockets emptied instead of filling! LOL

I look at each and every aspect of companies that hire work at home agents. What they expect, how they pay, training, how long they have been in business, and reviews from contractors and employee’s stating their experience with each company. I want to assure, if I put it on my website, it’s a great job! I spend most of my time now building websites and promoting them on the web. I’m not rich with money by any means, but still trying. I do however, make a living online as do my son and girlfriend. I recommend these companies and a true work at home job to those in search of freedom from the old brick and mortar, drive to work jobs.
More at TheGadgitech

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Virtual Agents In High Demand

Working at home can be very rewarding, giving time flexibility and saving money on gas, lunch, etc. Things to be aware of when seeking a work at home job are work environment, office equipment, and attitude.

The work environment should be comfortable and quiet. Make sure you have a comfortable desk chair and no noise. Most of the companies that hire work at home agents, highly stress on these areas. Especially the noise. No noises from kids, animals, appliances, etc., are tollerated from the companies.

Office equipment should consist of an up to date computer with at least Windows 2000 or higher, 512 megs of ram, 800 mhz cpu or higher, sound card, 1024 X 768 video. All software needed (some companies provide free downloads) like Office and antivirus. A corded telephone with corded headset. Cordless phones could have interference or batteries can go dead. Happened to me. High speed internet service that is hard wired. No wireless or satellite on most jobs.

Attitude! They want to “feel” you smiling through the phone. Be happy to help customers and keep an open mind.

Overseas language barriers with US clients make outsourcing to work at home agents in the US a growing trend. Virtual jobs are becoming more normal than ever! Virtual customer service agents doing call center work from home, is the largest employment opportunity for stay at home mom’s and dad’s. Taking inbound calls for various info and product ordering.

Did I read that right? Outsourcing to the US?
As crazy as it may sound, big corporations are now keeping their customer service call center work right here at home! Have you ever called in for your satellite TV service, or ordered a product off an infomercial only to get an agent that speaks english with a foreign accent that is hard to understand? Well, the big players in a wide variety of industries are learning just that.

Americans are really fed up with the language barriers when calling a US based company for customer service. I worked as a virtual agent doing tech support for one of the largest satellite companies in the world. When I answered the phone, the customer would actually say "Wow, are you in the US? I can’t believe it! I can understand you." Companies with customer service calls are now realizing the importance of "connecting with the customers" with US home based customer service agents.

This new trend is opening up a whole new way for stay at home mom’s and dad’s to be able to work at home and spend time with their families. Many companies outsourcing to home based agents are hiring massive amounts of work at home contractors , and employees to keep up with the ever growing demand for virtual agents across the United States.

More details at TheGadgitech