Virtual Jobs for work at home in Houston Texas.
Legit work at home virtual jobs for people in Houston, Texas.
Finding the "Real Virtual Jobs" can be quite a task for many people searching the net. The good news is, there are lots of work from home jobs available for folks across the US.
Imagine a commute that is just down the hallway, a few minutes from your favorite gourmet coffeepot and the Monday morning news. You plug in your headset to the phone, boot your computer, and begin taking calls for your client. After 30 minutes of call time, you move on to a scheduled break to tend to a few errands around the house. You get another cup of coffee, finish a few small household tasks, and return to your desk to begin taking calls again. Your schedule is flexible, and you can have all the breaks you need from the comfort of your own home. You’re paid anywhere from $7.00 to $30.00 an hour, and you work not just the hours – but the minutes – that you choose. Sound like another work from home scam? Or simply too good to be true? Think again.
More at TheGadgitech
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